Applications open to SSI Fellowship Programme 2022
Applications open to SSI Fellowship Programme 2022
Applications to the Software Sustainability Institute Fellowship Programme 2022 are open! The deadline to apply is 31 October 2021.
The SSI Fellowship Programme provides funding for individuals who want to improve how research software is used in their domains and/or area of work. Each Fellow is awarded £3,000 to spend over fifteen months. This funding can be used for any activities that meet both the Fellow’s and the Institute’s goals, such as travel to workshops, running training events, nurturing or contributing to communities of practice, collaborating with other Fellows, or for any other activities that relate to improving computational practice or policy.
We are also pleased to announce that the Fellowship Programme 2022 round will be a pilot for opening up the programme to international applicants. There will be up to three places for successful international applicants (applicants based outside the UK or without a formal affiliation with a UK-based institution or office).
Please visit the Fellowship Programme page for important dates and further information. You can also sign up here to receive updates and reminders, and watch the Launch Webinar recording to learn more about the application process and hear from previous Fellows about their experiences.