FAIRDOM-SEEK 1.11.0 Released
We are pleased to announce a new version of the FAIRDOM-SEEK Platform – version 1.11.0
There have many improvements and bugfixes, and the main highlights include:
- Changes to joining a project during registration.
- Simplified Project and Programme creation.
- Site managed Programmes.
- Markdown formatting of descriptions.
- Ontology based controlled vocabularies.
- Spreadsheet view for exploring Comma and Tab separated value files (CSV or TSV).
- Condensed view of lists.
- Table view of lists.
- MIAPPE support with custom metadata extensions.
- Bulk changing of sharing permissions.
- Simplified deleting of Projects.
- Run with Copasi button.
- Changing visibility of item versions.
More details about the changes can be found in the 1.11.0 Release Notes.
Details on installing SEEK can be found in our Documentation, at https://docs.seek4science.org/get-seek.html – including running with Docker.
The upgrade guide can be found at https://docs.seek4science.org/tech/upgrading.html