Group photo at HDR UK and ELIXIR-UK joint hackathon

Last week, the eScience Lab attended the first HDR UK & ELIXIR-UK Joint Hackathon, in Nottingham. The event brought together technical professionals from both health data and life sciences for three days of problem-solving and collaboration.

The opening remarks included highlights from Carole Goble (Head of Node at ELIXIR-UK), describing the value and impact from teamwork across the community, addressing shared technical challenges.

There was a strong Manchester contingent, including the eScience Lab, particularly from Alex Hambley, Doug Lowe and Stian Soiland-Reyes who ran the project titled ‘Adopting RO-Crate for enhanced metadata management and visualisation’.

For more information, please read Innovation in action: Behind the scenes at the first HDR UK & ELIXIR-UK Joint Hackathon from ELIXIR-UK.

Image credit: ELIXIR-UK