
Integrated SERVices supporting a sustainable AGROecological transition
- Website:
- Started: October 1, 2022
- Duration: 5 years
- Project reference:
Integrated SERVices supporting a sustainable AGROecological transition (AgroServ) will facilitate a systemic and holistic approach to understand the threats and challenges agriculture is facing, towards the implementation of a resilient and sustainable agri-food system. The project proposes a transdisciplinary offer of services, integrating the actors of the agriculture system in the research process, of which the farmers are the first, thanks to a wide offer of living labs across Europe.
Funded by HORIZON-INFRA-2021-SERV-01-02 101058020, AgroServ will develop a wider catalogue of integrated and customised services, providing a strong community building and training programme for access managers and users. Results from the research performed under AgroServ will be synthesised to be used in the scope of evidence-based policy making. Data from AgroServ will be open and compliant with FAIR practices, and made available on the long-term to the communities, and be linked with European initiatives, such as the EOSC.
eScienceLab involvement
The eScience Lab is one of over 70 partners involved in this project, and will bring expertise from RDMKit, IBISBA and FAIRDOM-SEEK and build upon that work.
UK partners in Horizon Europe projects are funded through Innovate UK (#10038927) from the UKRI Horizon Europe guarantee.
- WP3: Consolidating integrated data management and analysis services (lead: EMBL/ELIXIR)
- T3.1: The AgroServ knowledge hub for FAIR data management practices and guidelines (lead: EMBL/ELIXIR-BE/VIB)
- T3.2 Data deposition of experimental and integrative data (lead: LifeWatch-ERIC)
- T3.3 AgroServ data discovery and access to experimental and integrative data (lead: INRAE/EMBL/ELIXIR-FR)
- (T3.4 Cloud infrastructure for data integration and analysis supporting Virtual Access (lead: RRes/ELIXIR-UK))
- D3.1 AgroServ federated ecosystem for FAIR data management across agro- and environmental RIs (lead: EMBL/ELIXIR)
- MS10 1st version of the AgroServ knowledge hub for data management M12 First knowledge hub accessible for the 1st TNA call (lead: ELIXIR/EMBL)
- MS11 Content added to knowledge hub M30 Increased content on the AgroServ knowledge hub components (RDM Toolkit. FAIR Cookbook. etc…) (lead: ELIXIR/EMBL)
- MS12 FAIDARE indexes T3.2 data deposition databases (FAIRDOM-SEEK. Dataverses. CKAN. EmphasisDB), M24 Increased number of datasources in FAIDARE web portal. (lead: Lifewatch ERIC)
- MS13 Implementing RO-Crate profile with relevant standards (MIAPPE. EML OBOE). RO Crate profile published on the web (lead: Lifewatch ERIC).
- MS14 Interaction between FAIRsharing. FAIDARE. OpenAire and EOSC planned. Collaboration between parties defined and announced on the project website. (lead: INRAE)
- MS15 Content of the AgroServ FAIRsharing Collection and AgroServ Data Portal discoverable in EOSC. Availability on the openAIRE Research Graph (lead: INRAE)
- MS16 Release of interoperability toolbox for Galaxy. BioMA and FAIDARE. FAIDARE adapters on the Galaxy platform BioMA workbooks compatible with usage on the Galaxy platform. BioMA Data Providers for FAIDARE-indexed datasets. (lead: ELIXIR/EMBL)
- MS17 Release data integration services for KnetMiner to support ROCrate. BrAPI (lead: ELIXIR/EMBL)