
Biodiversity e-Laboratory
- Website:
- Started: September 1, 2011
- Duration: 39 months
- Project reference:
BioVeL supported scientists to carry out research on biodiversity by offering computerised tools (“workflows”) to process large amounts of data from your own and cross-disciplinary sources, as well as tools for designing and running workflows.
The BioVeL Portal (archived 2019-01-11) was built using the FAIRDOM-SEEK Platform.
Further developments to Taverna included the Taverna Server and Taverna Player. The portal used extensively the new Taverna interaction plugin in order to interactively ask users about workflow decisions during server execution.
Related publications
Alex R. Hardisty, Finn Bacall, Niall Beard, Maria-Paula Balcázar-Vargas, Bachir Balech, Zoltán Barcza, Sarah J. Bourlat, Renato De Giovanni, Yde de Jong, Francesca De Leo, Laura Dobor, Giacinto Donvito, Donal Fellows, Antonio Fernandez Guerra, Nuno Ferreira, Yuliya Fetyukova, Bruno Fosso, Jonathan Giddy, Carole Goble, Anton Güntsch, Robert Haines, Vera Hernández Ernst, Hannes Hettling, Dóra Hidy, Ferenc Horváth, Dóra Ittzés, Péter Ittzés, Andrew Jones, Renzo Kottmann, Robert Kulawik, Sonja Leidenberger, Päivi Lyytikäinen-Saarenmaa, Cherian Mathew, Norman Morrison, Aleksandra Nenadic, Abraham Nieva de la Hidalga, Matthias Obst, Gerard Oostermeijer, Elisabeth Paymal, Graziano Pesole, Salvatore Pinto, Axel Poigné, Francisco Quevedo Fernandez, Monica Santamaria, Hannu Saarenmaa, Gergely Sipos, Karl-Heinz Sylla, Marko Tähtinen, Saverio Vicario, Rutger Aldo Vos, Alan R. Williams, Pelin Yilmaz (2016):
BioVeL: a virtual laboratory for data analysis and modelling in biodiversity science and ecology.
BMC Ecology 16(49)
Renato De Giovanni, Alan R. Williams, Vera Hernández Ernst, Robert Kulawik, Francisco Quevedo Fernandez, Alex R. Hardisty (2016):
ENM Components: a new set of web service‐based workflow components for ecological niche modelling.
Ecography 39 pp 376–383
Cherian Mathew, Anton Güntsch, Matthias Obst, Saverio Vicario, Robert Haines, Alan R. Williams, Yde de Jong, Carole Goble (2014):
A semi-automated workflow for biodiversity data retrieval, cleaning, and quality control.
Biodiversity Data Journal 12/2014; 2:e4221
Rutger Aldo Vos, Jordan Valkov Biserkov, Bachir Balech, Niall Beard, Matthew Blissett, Christian Brenninkmeijer, Tom van Dooren, David Eades, George Gosline, Quentin John Groom, Thomas D. Hamann, Hannes Hettling, Robert Hoehndorf, Ayco Holleman, Peter Hovenkamp, Patricia Kelbert, David King, Don Kirkup, Youri Lammers, Thibaut DeMeulemeester, Daniel Mietchen, Jeremy A. Miller, Ross Mounce, Nicola Nicolson, Rod Page, Aleksandra Pawlik, Serrano Pereira, Lyubomir Penev, Kevin Richards, Guido Sautter, David Peter Shorthouse, Marko Tähtinen, Claus Weiland, Alan R. Williams, Soraya Sierra (2014):
Enriched biodiversity data as a resource and service.
Biodiversity Data Journal 2:e1125
Related screencasts
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