Supporting the UK’s life science community with world class digital infrastructure for data driven bioscience.
- Website:
- Started: April 1, 2024
- Duration: 5 years
- Project reference:
BioFAIR’s aim is a step change in project Research Data Management (RDM) through developing and operating a national Data Commons digital infrastructure to maximise the Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, Reusability (FAIR) and Reproducibility of UKRI-supported life science data.
BioFAIR will support the production, sharing, integration and archiving of high quality and accessible data for digitally-driven life sciences by enabling essential end-to-end RDM and analytics, and driving the culture change that this requires.
The UK hosts significant numbers of well-supported, active public data archives and specialised environments (e.g. EMBL-EBI, HDR-UK Gateway, which offer support and RDM for researchers using these specific environments.
A UK-focused Data Commons will assemble, host and operate a coherent set of registries, repositories, data management and analysis services providing a seamless, end-to-end research environment for UK users. It will allow data use beyond the data creator’s original purpose, ensuring the research integrity and quality of data collection and analysis, using community standards. It will bridge life scientists’ cycle of collection→ analysis→ sharing in local, RDM and current national and global data infrastructures, simplifying and streamlining their use.
BioFAIR will be a gateway to existing state-of-the-art tools for analysing and sharing data, allowing “bring your own data” (BYOD) bespoke pipelines. Researchers will develop their workflows and have their code hosted for cross-project use, levelling up access to advanced data processing platforms and expertly developed data-wrangling and processing pipelines, including AI-based approaches. Computational resources for data storage and computing will underpin the Data Commons services for data analysis, hosting, and archival support.
Overview of BioFAIR, adapted from ELIXIR All Hands 2023 poster
BioFAIR complements and enhances existing national and international life science data infrastructures, e.g., UK-generated high-quality data and automated data submission to EMBL-EBI public archives and provides a national platform for project-specific BYOD analysis workflows using EMBL-EBI and UK data and tools.
BioFAIR was conceived by ELIXIR-UK which also report BioFAIR Feasibility study.
eScience Lab involvement
Carole Goble is joint Head of Node of ELIXIR-UK and will continue to have an active role in shaping the establishment of BioFAIR.
BioFAIR will take advantage of many of the eScience Lab products:
- WorkflowHub and EOSC-Life’s Workflow Collaboratory to support methods and reproducible data analytics for FAIR research in BioFAIR Method Commons. This will also use Galaxy and Pulsar Network developed by EuroScienceGateway
- RDMKit as part of the Data Stewardship toolkit in BioFAIR Data Commons
- FAIRDOM-SEEK as part of the BioFAIR DataHub for ISA-based metadata catalogue
- RO-Crate for Data collection support including a National Data Lake
It is important to note that BioFAIR is an UK-wide collaboration beyond the above highlights, more details will be available at BioFAIR website.
Nicola Soranzo1, Robert Andrews, Tim Beck, Alexia Cardona, Emily Delva, Catherine Knox, Gos Micklem, Christine Orengo, Krzysztof Poterlowicz, Susanna-Assunta Sansone, Neil Hall, Carole Goble, ELIXIR-UK (2023):
BioFAIR: a new BioCommons infrastructure for the UK life science.
ELIXIR All Hands 2023, Dublin, Ireland, 2023-06-05/–09.
F1000Research 12(ELIXIR):596 (poster)
Nicola Soranzo, Carole Goble (2023):
BioFAIR: a new BioCommons infrastructure for UK life science.
UKRI DRI Community Congress 2023
Technopolis Group, Nicola Soranzo, Catherine Knox, Hannah Norman, Robert Andrews, Tim Beck, Gos Micklem, Christine Orengo, Susanna Assunta Sansone, Neill Hall, Carole Goble (2021):
BioFAIR Final Report. BioFAIR Feasibility Study.