Collaborations made at FAIRDOM mini hackathon
Launch of TREvolution
Project leadership at first HDR UK & ELIXIR-UK Joint Hackathon
Launch of Climate-Adapt4EOSC
PhD award for Alexander Hambley
PhD award for Stian Soiland-Reyes
FAIRDOM-SEEK 1.16.0 Released
Leading projects at ELIXIR BioHackathon Europe 2024
Congratulations to Postgraduate Researcher Aravindhan Rajasekar
Congratulations to Aleks Nenadic on Research Software Engineering Award
HDR UK and ELIXIR-UK to host first joint hackathon
Welcoming three new team members to the eScience Lab
Initial EuroScienceGateway workflows published in WorkflowHub
EOSC EVERSE project announcement
Open positions in the eScience Lab
Lesson Developer Trainer Training Launch
PhD studentship: Sharing reproducible analyses in Big Healthcare Data Infrastructures
BioFAIR awarded £34m funding by UKRI
WorkflowHub *Ask me Anything*
RO-Crate training 2023
Collaborative Lesson Development Training
Intermediate Research Software Skills Training
Open Call: FAIR-IMPACT support action on FAIR assessment, RO-Crate and Signposting
TRE-FX launched as one of DARE UK's driver projects
FAIRDOM-SEEK 1.13.0 Released
Biodiversity Genomics Europe launched
FAIRDOM-SEEK 1.12.1 Released
FAIR Principles for Research Software Released
BioDT: a Digital Twin prototype to help protect and restore biodiversity
RSECon 2022 announced
Solutions for FAIR Open Science in Europe: the FAIR-IMPACT project kicks-off
Beta release of SSI's Intermediate Research Software Development Skills course
FAIRDOM-SEEK 1.12.0 Released
Announcing the 2022 Software Sustainability Institute Fellows
Save the date: Collaborations Workshop 2022
COVID19 Disease Map, a computational knowledge repository of virus–host interaction mechanisms
Applications open to SSI Fellowship Programme 2022
BY-COVID: A new EU project for pandemic preparedness
FAIRDOM-SEEK 1.11.2 released
FAIRDOM-SEEK 1.11.1 released
FAIRDOM-SEEK 1.11.0 Released
Carpentries Instrucor Training organised by the SSI, 16-19 March 2021
Launch of the New Lesson Study Groups Programme, February 2021
SEEK 1.10.3 Released
SSI Fellowship Programme 2021
Collaborations Workshop 2021: Save the date!
SSI's Call For Training Material Creation
SEEK 1.10.2 Released
RightField 0.26 released
SEEK 1.10.0 Released
Taverna Retired
Collaborations Workshop 2020
RO-Crate 1.0 released
SEEK 1.9.1 Released
CfP: Workshop on Research Objects (RO2019)
eScience Lab at the ELIXIR-UK Hackathon
Research Object Crate specification 0.2 released
Nature Common Workflow Language article
Software Management Plans Webinar
Rightfield 0.24 Released
SEEK 1.9 Released
BioExcel/PRACE Seasonal School 2019, Sweden – HPC for Life Sciences
Bioschemas Face-to-Face
ELIXIR Webinar: Trustworthy data repositories in the Life Sciences: The role of CoreTrustSeal Certification (29th May 2019)
Save the date: CarpentryConnect Manchester conference, 25-27 June 2019
SSI receives £6.5 million UKRI funding
SEEK 1.8 Released
BioExcel Centre of Excellence Going Strong: New Funding Secured
SEEK 1.6 Released
- and help establish global standards for citation of biomedical data
Common Workflow Language joins the Software Freedom Conservancy
Carole Goble at Digital Life 2018: Trust and Accountability
Congratulations to Carole Goble on Honorary Doctorate
Apache Taverna Server 3.1.0 released
SEEK 1.5 Released
Carole Goble at SWAT4LS: FAIRy Stories
IBISBA 1.0 launched
BioCompute Objects
Best Poster award for Common Workflow Language Viewer
TeSS Release V1.0
SEEK 1.0 Released !
Event: Linking Life Science Data: Design to Implementation, and Beyond
Course: Discovering Systems Biology Principles
Apache Software Foundation granted control of Taverna source code
Why publish and be so damned hard to find?
Professor Goble as General Chair of ISWC 2014
BMC Informatics paper on format to reproduce a modelling project.
Dr Watson wins the Jim Gray award
myGrid presentations and posters at BOSC 2014
myGrid highlighted as UK EPSRC Pioneer
Congratulations to Professor Andy Brass.
pro-iBiosphere agree on BiodiversityCatalogue
CBE for Professor Goble
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